Somatic Emotional Release

Welcome to my world!

On this Website I am representing the therapies, classes, group work and retreats I offer.  I am also active as a Sound Journey Muscian-Singer, DJ for Soul Dancing and I am in the process of reconnecting with Perfomance Art.  Within the navigation, you can find all that I do and if you feel a resonance to one or more of the modalties I work with or would like to experience me as an artist.....let us connect.  Feel free to contact me for more information. Look forward to meeting you!    

Cleolenzea Lenzea Rose Rivera

Authentic Emotional Expression

through movement, dance, voice, sacred creativity & powerful release

Workshops          Retreats

SER Therapies

Craniosacral SER          

Emotional Movement & Dance         

Healing the Feminine 

& your Wounded Inner Child          


My Artistic Parts of Self...

Sound Journey Musician-Singer          DJ for Soul Dancing

Performance Art