These Workshops are an introduction to discover your craniosacral rhythm.  The craniosacral fluid flows rhythmically between the cranium and the sacrum.  When we tune into our rhythm and respond to its needs, we can support our entire body-energetic field, which can help us to become more balanced.  The craniosacral system is a known physical anatomical science and at the same time it is mystical.  Through practice of this sensing, touching and moving gentle method (hands-on and intuitive body movement), it can enable you to become more aware, release pain and blockages by pin pointing beyond the skin or by doing precise movements which allow the body to release emotions and disturbances.  It may awaken your subtle senses, as it did mine.  As I am also a SER (Somato Emotional Release) Movement and Dance Therapist, therefore I found it absolutely necessary to involve sessions of intuitive free flowing movements, where you feel how your inner fluid wants to direct your movement, so that you can be capable to relieve yourself of tension and pain.  It is a way to reach areas of your body where you can not place your hands.  When placing the hands on the body and waiting for responses, this focused attentiveness naturally makes you centered.  In this state of awareness, you know where to begin, where to go and when to end.  The mind and body is continuously flowing and within the flow there is stillness.  The mysticism of pain, strains, uneven body alignment, broken bones, sick organs and so on become unveiled for you to deeply feel and to take action.
It is necessary for you to have at least one Craniosacral Treatment with me before CS Workshop Part 1 begins.  This will initiate an understanding of subtle touch and movement.

I will be repeating these workshops throughout the year, as well as offering it as a 6 to 7 Day Retreat.  So if you are not sure if you can come to one of the weekends, you will have the opportunity to do it sometime later.

These workshops will not make you into an official Craniosacral Therapist, for this you would have to study 2 to 5 years.  The workshops are for those who are attracted to discovering their Craniosacral Rhythm and would like to become aware of it and use the method.  I will offer approximately 3 to 4 workshops to have some basic understanding and to be able to begin using it.  For those of you who need more guidance to become very fluent with the method, I can offer extra classes (also online).  You do not have to participate to all the workshops….after the first workshop, you can decide if you want to continue.  

These craniosacral workshops can be a complimentary method for holistic body therapists, energy workers, midwives and dancers.  And for those mothers and fathers who are dedicated and are capable of deeply attuning to their own CSF, you might be able to feel your child’s/children’s inner movement and help relieve them of stress and/or emotions.  Craniosacral touch can also be practiced on your beloved pets.

I offer one-to-one and intimate group workshops at my humble wooden cottage.  I am also open to offer these workshops at other holistic alternative centres/spaces.  The workshops given at Jardím Loloma include photocopies, tea, coffee and snacks.  I will try to organize a cook to make our lunches (optional) which will be an additional cost.

Please contact me personally to book this workshop.  If you need me to help you organise a place to rent for a day or weekend, let me know.


What will we do?


"Introduction of the Craniosacral System"
“Feel, Observe, and Describe”


"Attuning to the Movement of the Cranial Bones"

“Recapture and Deepen”

Initial Cranialsacral Treatment

  Craniosacral Workshop Part I



Craniosacral Workshop Part I



 Craniosacral Workshop Part III

One-to-One and Intimate Groups