Yoga into Unwinding into Yoga

We begin or end with influences of Transformational Hatha Yoga, which involves Yoga poses, breathing methods, and chanting…then we begin or end with Unwinding different segments of the body. This preparation initiates intuituitive flowy authentic movement.  Through dedicated practice, this relaxed mindful method allows us to go deep and release blockages.  All together it brings you to a neutral peaceful space and feeling empowered.


You do not need to be experienced or be fit to participate.  Nor is it limiting if you are more experienced in yoga practice or more fit.

What will we do?

*Asanas (yogic postures) – stretch and strengthen the body

*Flowy Moving Stretches-awareness method to become more fluid

*Pranayama (breathing techniques)- detoxify and balance emotions
*Mantra (chants) – focus and silence the mind while awakening the body
*Unwinding– flowy movements that unravels stiffness or pain







YOGA and Unwinding RETREAT